Tag Archives: One hundred Names for Love

One Hundred Names for Love: a Memoir

Diane Ackerman writes brilliantly, sensually and scientifically about her husband’s stroke and their road to a new normal. This book slams into your soul and leaves you in mourning for what is lost and then moves you into a radical celebration of human triumph.

I just finished reading “One Hundred Names for Love”. I was captivated by the story. My own husband is older than I am and I worry and wonder what will happen as he ages. Currently my husband suffers from alcoholism and I empathize with her situation. As I watch my own husband decay slowly.

I appreciated the science included in this book. It helped me understand the brain in a new way. It gave me an insight into the possibilities for my own brain and that of my husband. I was inspired to play with my brain working it more like a muscle.

I also appreciate the painstaking word choices. It added a level of sophisticated sensuality it was almost like reading poetry. The words stayed in my head as read them and I could hear them rolling around. It sounded like a hula-hoop being held up by centrifugal force.

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